Alive Lynnsport is a vibrant leisure complex located in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, UK. Spanning over 90 acres, it offers a diverse range of activities for all ages and interests.
The facility includes a state-of-the-art gym, swimming pools, indoor and outdoor sports courts, fitness classes, and a climbing wall. With its focus on health and wellbeing, Alive Lynnsport aims to promote active lifestyles within the community.
Alive Lynnsport boasts a top-notch athletics track, serving as a hub for runners, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts. However, the existing floodlighting system was due for an upgrade to enhance performance and efficiency. Recognising the need for improvement, a decision was made to transition to LED floodlights.
Abacus Lighting transformed Alive Lynnsport’s athletics track by executing a meticulous retrofit project. This involved the removal of 36 outdated 2000W HID floodlights, paving the way for a modern lighting solution. 24 cutting-edge 1500W Challenger 1 LED floodlights were installed onto the existing 15 metre masts. This achieves the England Athletics specification, giving an illuminance average of 200 lux with 0.6 uniformity over the track and infield.
The upgraded LED floodlighting at Alive Lynnsport’s athletics track ensures optimal visibility, safety, and performance for athletes. It brings significant energy savings, reduced maintenance needs, and a more sustainable lighting solution compared to outdated HID lighting.
Overall, the new floodlighting system not only elevates the athletic experience at Alive Lynnsport but also underscores its dedication to excellence, sustainability, and community engagement.
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